Update for October 30 and 31, 2020

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Update for October 30 and 31, 2020

A brief update today – this is day six with no new cases to report.  We have not received any of the Health Center results back yet from mid-week testing, and only a few test results have been received in the last 24 hours.

Eleven staff are currently out of work with three scheduled to return next week.  Twenty-five staff have returned to work since the beginning of the outbreak. Staff are out of work for three general reasons: they tested positive, they had exposure to someone who tested positive or is symptomatic (either at Kendal or outside of work), or they are experiencing symptoms that could be COVID19 and we are waiting for test results.  We have a very low threshold for keeping staff with symptoms out of work – this is important to containing the virus.  We isolate and test staff with symptoms, and they return when symptoms resolve and we have a negative test result. 

The Cafe opened today!! Thank you to the Dining staff for feeding us all again!

We’re hoping to continue the positive trend – please be safe and let’s hope for all treats and no tricks this Halloween weekend!

-Laurie Mante


Update for October 31

198 results received, both staff and resident – all negative! 

Treats for Kendal today, no tricks!

Day 7 COVID-free…….