May 26, 2021 Update

Yesterday, we were notified that a staff member had a positive COVID test result.  The employee was (and remains) asymptomatic and fully vaccinated. There was an irregularity with the test, and when re-tested, the result this morning came back negative. The employee is currently out of work and we will follow the local health department guidance regarding the return to work.  The employee did not have any contact with the health center, did not have any unmasked interactions with any residents, and did not have any high-risk interactions with other staff. This positive test result will not result in any changes to our current operating status. We are sharing this in the spirit of continued transparency.

In other news, residents are hard at work planting a huge variety of fruits, vegetables and flowers in the Community Garden. While we are still in a ‘frost possible’ window of the calendar, there is great hope that all will be safe. Some areas of the garden are designated “For All’ and the produce or flowers grown there may be freely taken. We know that not everyone has the strength, stamina or interest in the gardening part, but most of us do appreciate fresh, in-season vegetables and flowers ! Photos will be coming.


P.S. While visiting with the gardeners, we were treated to the lovely and long song of a local cuckoo ! What a treat !